Indepth Employee Interviews
Get qualitative insights from your colleagues about their real-world workplace experience regarding disability inclusion. Our confidential interviews allow employees to safely speak their mind to an independent third-party, giving you powerful, actionable feedback.
How it works.
Voluntary online interviews
We conduct individual 30-60 minute online interviews with employees, covering topics including disclosure status, their opinion of the organisation’s commitment to disability inclusion, suggestions for changes and successes.
Confidential contact point
We provide an email address for people to contact (via their personal email) to arrange a Teams meeting or phone call outside of office hours.
Transparent process
We provide participants with a description of the process and the safeguards in place to protect confidentiality, which can be shared by your HR team internally to promote the initiative.
Insightful reports
Final reports to management are redacted to remove identifiable information, with responses broadly categorised according to length of tenure, gender, whether they identify as having a disability, and their disclosure status. Quotes are carefully anonymised.
Data retention
Transcripts with individuals are not identified by name and are permanently deleted once collated into the final report. All emails and calendar bookings are also deleted upon completion of the project.
No cure, no pay
If no individuals volunteer to participate, there is no cost. You can set a maximum number of interviews. We send you a daily report on the number of interviews booked and conducted.
Listen. Learn. Lead.
Whether you want to hear the voices of a small, specific group of employees or a broad cross-section of all employees, we can help. Our detailed report and recommendations following each research program gives management the insights and data they need to make decisions and changes to drive a more inclusive culture.